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Patient Transfer by Airway

Our private jet, which has its own and ambulance configuration, has been authorized as an ambulance aircraft by the Ministry of Health. The medical team and equipment required for intensive care are in our plane (defibrillator, Ventilator, Injectomat, Aspirator, Oxygen System, etc.), even if the patient is connected to the breathing apparatus, the transfer is carried out without any problems.

We carry out our transfers under the supervision of our experienced physicians and paramedics. The land ambulance organization in Istanbul is also provided by the latest model land ambulances within our company.

If the transfers are approved, action will be taken immediately when the necessary documents are received from you. Flight planning will be sent to you upon obtaining the necessary flight permits. Depending on the health status of the patient, information will be given whether a companion will be taken or not. In stable patient transfers, 1 or 2 companions can be taken.

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